Professor Andrew McStay

Director of the Network for the Study of Media and Persuasive Communication at Bangor University

Professor Andrew McStay is the Director of the Network for the Study of Media and Persuasive Communication at Bangor University, where he also lectures on media, privacy and digital culture. His most recent books are Emotional AI: The Rise of Empathic Media (2018), Privacy and the Media (2017), and Digital Advertising 2nd ed (2016). McStay is also the author of Privacy and Philosophy (2014), Creativity and Advertising (2013), and The Mood of Information (2011). McStay leads the Emotional AI Lab focused on the ethical, societal and cultural impact of artificial intelligence technologies that function in relation to data about human emotion, moods and affective states. McStay is a co-Investigator on a 3-year research project funded by the UKRI-JST Joint Call on Artificial Intelligence and Society, entitled Emotional AI in Cities: Cross Cultural Lessons from UK and Japan on Designing an Ethical Life.